Steinhausen, March 23, 2020 – The Annual General Meeting of Schweiter Technologies on April 8, 2020 will be carried out without the physical participation of shareholders. Participation is only possible by instructing the independent proxy or by voting electronically.
Based on Art. 6a Para. 1 of Ordinance 2 of the Swiss Federal Council on measures to fight the coronavirus of March 16, 2020, the Board of Directors decided that the Annual General Meeting on April 8, 2020 will be carried out without the physical participation of shareholders. Shareholders have the possibility to provide instructions to the independent proxy or to vote electronically.
At the same time, the Board of Directors decided that the Annual General Meeting will take place at the company’s headquarters instead of the seminar hotel Bocken in Horgen.
For further information please contact:
Martin Klöti, CFO
Tel. +41 41 757 77 00, Fax +41 41 757 70 01,