Steinhausen, October 26, 2020 – Schweiter Technologies reports a satisfactory performance amid a volatile business environment.
The positive performance in the first half of the year continued into the second half. While sales were on a par with the previous year, earnings were significantly higher. This was due in particular to ongoing buoyant demand for transparent sheets and another very gratifying performance in the Core Materials business for the wind energy sector.
The group expects demand for clear sheet products to normalize by year-end and assumes a gradual recovery in demand for the rest of the display business and in architecture. On balance, for the year as a whole, Schweiter expects profitability to increase faster than sales, which will be largely unchanged, and is forecasting earnings well in excess of the previous year. The current outlook does not include the effects of a possible renewed significant tightening of the regulatory requirements in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
For further information please contact:
Martin Klöti, CFO
Tel. +41 41 757 77 00, Fax +41 41 757 70 01,