News 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings20. October 2008
- Media release13. October 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings12. September 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings15. August 2008
- Results for the first half of 2008 – Challenging business environment. All divisions post operating profit. Outlook intact.13. August 2008
- Schweiter Technologies to sell Satisloh to Essilor Group16. June 2008
- Claudio Zinetti is leaving the company with effect from July 31, 200816. May 2008
- Annual General Meeting of Schweiter Technologies AG15. May 2008
- New CEO for the Satisloh division9. May 2008
- Dividend for the 2007 business year14. March 2008
- Record result – revenues and profit high at Optics. Semiconductors reporting clear improvement in profitability.7. March 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings18. February 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings13. February 2008
- Disclosure of Holdings12. February 2008